Africa Climate Week 2022: Mobilising climate finance in Africa is crucial to creating real climate progress

The miombo woodlands of Chipanje Chetu, Mozambique. Credit: Yambone Initiative. What role can climate finance play in advancing climate adaptation in Africa? This was the central question at the recent UNFCCC Africa Climate Week 2022, held in Libreville, Gabon. Homegrown climate solutions in Africa took centre stage alongside the need to ensure this finance flows … Continued

Landscape Resilience Fund nominated for Earthshot Prize

In March, the Landscape Resilience Fund team was delighted to discover it had been nominated for this year’s prestigious Earthshot Prize by two Official Nominators: the communications agency Project Everyone and Lancaster University’s Centre for Global Eco-Innovation. The Earthshot Prize was launched by Prince William and The Royal Foundation in October 2020 and designed to … Continued

Landscape Resilience Fund makes first investment in cocoa innovator Koa

A crescendo of extreme weather events witnessed across the world exposes the urgency of investing in climate adaptation. In response to this challenge Landscape Resilience Fund (LRF) has made its first investment in Koa, a Swiss-Ghanain sustainable cocoa fruit company. The $3.5 million investment, made alongside co-investors IDH Farmfit Fund, will support Koa to set … Continued

Are companies ready for a changing climate? Here’s why they should be paying attention to climate adaptation and biodiversity.

Climate adaptation remains grossly underfinanced, even while extreme weather events continue to disrupt their supply chains. As warmer and wilder weather rips through critical food crops and rattles corporate supply chains, disrupting supplies of everything from chocolate to lumber, it has become painfully clear that the world is well off the mark when it comes to taking the … Continued

South Pole announced as a winner of GEF Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation

Seed funding to support coral reef insurance, supply-chain resilience, and other climate risk remedies for entrepreneurs, food producers, cities, local communities. Nespresso, South Pole, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative, and Willis Towers Watson were among those announced today as winners of the Global Environment Facility’s inaugural Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation, a new competition supporting private … Continued